Train for Better HEALTH with Body-Friendly Workouts that WORK!
the pain-free path to better health

Calculate Your Healthy Happy Score
This is how you earned your Happiness Points from questions 1 - 20.
For every odd numbered question:
a. = 1 point
b. = 2 points
c. = 3 points
Your points were calculated, then divided by 5. This gave you a score between 1 and 12. This is a reflection of your happiness level. Take this number and add it to the floor number you picked from question 21.
Question 21: You score between 1 and 12: 1 point for the basement; 2 points for the first floor, and so on. The penthouse suite is 11 points; and the rooftop garden is 12 points. This score is a reflection of your overall satisfaction with your current life situation.
Once you've added these two scores together, divide them by 2 to obtain your number from 1 - 12. This number reflects your spirit score and can be combined with your body score to find your health/happiness rank.
SECTION ONE: Happiness Health
For every even numbered question:
a. = 3 points
b. = 2 points
c. = 1 point

SECTION TWO: BMI and Waist / Height Ratio
Your Body Mass Index was calculated using your height and weight​. Your Waist:Height ratio was determined by taking your waist in inches, then dividing by your height in inches. You can see how you ranked with the chart below.

SECTION THREE: Fitness Scores
Burpees and Backdrops Chart

Functional Flexibility Test
How far can you reach with your legs completely straight and your toes pointing straight to the sky,, you reached...
Fingertips to knees: 1 point
Fingertips to top third of shins: 2 points
Fingertips to middle of shins: 3 points
Fingertips to lower shins: 5 points
Fingertips to ankle bones/toes: 7 points
Fingertips to heels (knuckles to toes): 9 points
Palms to toes (with feet straight up): 10 points
Wrists to toes (with feet straight up): 11 points
Forearms to toes (with feet straight up): 12 points