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Feel like you've tried everything?

Are you looking for a way to make healthier choices, to find deeper happiness, to feel better about yourself, lose weight and have more energy? 


Weight issues contribute to a myriad of diseases - from high blood pressure and heart disease to diabetes and cancer. Today is YOUR DAY to turn your health around and take control of your destiny! Start changing your habits, one manageable step at a time - with support, information, motivation and inspiration to keep you on track!

It's time for YOU to take control

Do you feel like you've lived your whole life making sacrifices for everyone else? You can't help anyone if you're not healthy yourself. You've heard the saying "Live long enough to be a burden to your children" but let's be real - no-one really wants to be a burden! Live healthy so that you can be full of energy and vitality - not a burden, but a blessing instead!


For more information about how you can turn your health around and get started on your new adventure, click here

Small Manageable Steps

Whatever your circumstance or situation - you've come to the right place to connect with others on a mission to live healthier and to make better choices. One small step at a time. Increase your health, your confidence, and your happiness. When you join MyHealthyHappySelf, you'll receive daily emails with information and challenges to help inspire you and keep you on track. When you're ready to GAME IT UP, take the Lifestyle Makeover Challenge and you'll experience motivation and support on a whole new level.

Get Connected. Get Support! 

It's hard to make healthy nutritional and activity choices every day. Join a community where you can share your commitment to make healthier choices with people who support you without judgment. When you come on board, you're family. This family is all positive all the time. We are here to help each other out and hold each other up. If you take the Lifestyle Makeover Challenge you'll have access to our members-only Private Facebook Group where you can ask questions, and communicate with coaches and other members. It's the perfect way to get connected with people you can relate to! 


Bring on the Day - YOU"VE GOT THIS!!

Join our FREE Healthy Happy inspirational email club ~

You'll receive daily tips and motivation to keep you living healthier and happier than ever before!

Join MyHealthyHappySelf inspirational newsletter subscription FREE! Every day you'll find motivation and information in your inbox for nutrition, exercise, staying positive, and making healthy living choices. 


If you're ready to get into the GAME, check out The Lifestyle Makeover Challenge. No gimmicks, no silly diets or crazy promises. Just smart living, smart eating, for a healthy happy LIFE!





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